This is an intransitive verb, which probably is indicative of its nature.
Here's an example of the context in which I saw this word used today:
Peruvian authorities are still trying to unravel the mystery of why hundreds of dolphins ended up dead on beaches in the country over the past 2 1/2 months.
Here, the reference "end up" was very final.
Of course it does not necessarily have to point to the end of ends.
Quitters still end up as winners
And of course, as athletes are bought by one team, then later sold and bought by another, we ask questions such as this 2012 one:
Where Will Peyton Manning End Up?
Perhaps you can go online and determine where Payton Manning ended up for the 2012-2013 football season.
“Writers end up writing about their obsessions. Things that haunt them; things they can’t forget; stories they carry in their bodies waiting to be released.”
Would you agree?